Neuro Maui: Helping Maui Heal Together

Support Maui Wildfire victims: Donate to the Neuro Maui Trauma Relief Program and help us provide free mental health assistance to those in need.


While the physical damage is evident, there's a more profound, invisible wound that needs our immediate attention: the mental and emotional scars borne by the survivors.

As days turn into weeks and months, these scars can grow deeper, making recovery even more challenging.

But here's the silver lining: with your support, we can help Maui heal. Your contribution will go directly towards providing mental health support and counseling to those affected. It will ensure that the people of Maui have the resources they need to rebuild their lives, both externally and internally.

Together, let's help Maui rise from the ashes and heal the hidden wounds. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. Join us in supporting the resilient spirit of Maui.

Partner Organizations
